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Debate and Speech

Extemp topics: Maine State Championship @ Bangor HS

The round-by-round topics for the 2018 Maine State Championship are: Domestic Round 1: Congressional actions Round 2: #metoo, #timesup Round 3: Immigration Round 4: This week in the news Foreign Round 1: North Korea Round 2: International economy Round 3: Middle East Round 4: This week in the news

New tournament for 2017-2018 calendar

Kailey Smith, coach at Lawrence High School, is please to add a Speech-ony tournament on November 4, 2017. Keep an eye out for her invitation.

Minutes: Fall 2017 Coaches Meeting

Lewiston High School room V217, 156 East Avenue, Lewiston September 8, 2017 Attendees: Pat Spilecki (Lewiston), Brian Dodge (Deering), Matt Leland (Lincoln Academy), Dan Haskell (Cheverus), Lyndsy Denk (Falmouth), Josh Denk (Falmouth), Amy Trunnell (Maranacook—outgoing), Patrick Forgue (Maranacook), Kailey Smith (Lawrence), D’Arcy Robinson (Poland Regional), Michele Adams (York), Larry Bartlett (Morse), Ellen Parent (at large),…
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Agenda: Fall 2017 Coaches Meeting

All are welcome to join the Fall Coaches meeting. RSVP to Pat Spilecki. See the agenda below. Lewiston High School room V217, 156 East Avenue, Lewiston September 8, 2017 8:30 Breakfast and General Talking 8:55 Welcome and introductions Vote on Parliamentarian for the meeting 9:00 Officers’ Reports Secretary Lyndsy Denk (Falmouth) Approval of Spring Meeting…
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Minutes: Spring 2017 Coaches Meeting

Lewiston High School, 156 East Avenue, Lewiston May 12, 2017 Attendees: Kris Deveau (Brunswick High School), David Arenstam (Thornton Academy), Amy Trunnell (Maranacook Community High School), Jason Curry (Greely High School), Ellen Parent (at large), Michelle Adams (York High School), Veronica Foster (Biddeford High School), Pat Spilecki (Lewiston High School), Lyndsy Denk (Falmouth High School),…
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Agenda: Spring 2017 Coaches meeting

Lewiston High School, 156 East Avenue, Lewiston May 12, 2017 8:30 Breakfast and General Talking 8:55 Welcome and introductions Vote on Parliamentarian for the meeting 9:00 Officers’ Reports Secretary Lyndsy Denk (Falmouth) Approval of Fall Meeting minutes Treasurer ­­ Kris Deveau (Brunswick) Approval of Treasurer’s Report Vice President D’Arcy Robinson (Poland) President ­­ Matt Leland…
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MFA Coaches Meeting Confirmed

Join us May 12, 2017 at Lewiston High School 8:30 a.m. to approximately 2:30 p.m. for the MFA Coaches Meeting. Details agenda will be published when available.

Extemp topics by round for Maine District Tournament

Domestic Round 1: Post-election Round 2: Healthcare Round 3: Economy Round 4: News of the Week Foreign Round 1: Syria Rounds 2: Russia Round 3: European Union Round 4: News of the Week

States Extemp topics announced

The following round-by-round topics will be used at the Maine State Championship Tournament on January 28. Domestic Round 1: Post-election Round 2: Healthcare Round 3: Economy Round 4: News of the Week Foreign Round 1: Syria Rounds 2: Russia Round 3: European Union Round 4: News of the Week Click here for all topics, resolutions, and…
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2016-2017 Extemp Topics

Domestic Foreign October, November 2016 Election Effect of polls Campaign issues Policies in America Federal Reserve New gun regulations Elimination of existing regulations States rights Immigration The Economy Congressional actions Presidential intervention Job creation The European Union Future of Euro Debt crisis Impact of Immigration Russia US Relations Stability of governing body Impact of hacking…
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