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Debate and Speech

Minutes for Fall 2016 Coaching Meeting

Lewiston High School, 156 East Avenue, Lewiston September 9, 2016 8:30 Breakfast and general talking 8:55 Welcome and introductions Attendance Lyndsy Denk (Falmouth), Brian Dodge (Deering), Matt Leland (Lincoln Academy), Kris Deveau (Brunswick), Tom Sheehy (Brunswick), D’Arcy Robinson (Poland), Pat Spilecki (Lewiston), Michelle Adams (York), Dick Mullen (Cape Elizabeth), Dan Haskell (Chevrus), Veronica Foster (Biddeford),…
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Agenda: Fall Coaches Meeting 2016

Coaches and prospective coaches, join us from 8:30 a.m. to approximately 2:30 p.m. at Lewiston High School, 156 East Avenue, Lewiston on September 9, 2016. 8:30 Breakfast and General Talking 8:55 Welcome and introductions Vote on Parliamentarian for the meeting 9:00 Officers’ Reports Secretary Lyndsy Denk (Falmouth) Approval of Spring Meeting minutes Treasurer ­­ Kris Deveau (Brunswick)…
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Minutes for Spring 2016 Coaching Meeting

Spring Coaches Meeting Lewiston High School, 156 East Avenue, Lewiston May 6, 2016 8:30 Breakfast and general talking 8:55  Welcome and Introductions Pat Spelecki (Lewiston HS), Matt Kneeland (Greely HS), Brian Dodge (Deering HS) Matt Leland (Lincoln Academy), Joe Pelletier (Bangor HS), David Arenstam (Thornton Academy), Ben Grasso (Thornton Academy), Kris Deveau (Brunswick HS), Michele…
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Call for nominations: Scholarships and Of the Year

Greetings! It is that time of year again-time to collect nominations for the Coach of the Year Judge of the Year Student Scholarships Remember that the scholarships are awarded in each major category—Speech, Debate and Congress—so that a school can nominate in all of the categories. Date for submissions is Jan. 13. Email nominations to [email protected]. Ballots…
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2015-2016 Extemp Topics

Domestic Foreign October, November Pre-elections Religious freedom Homegrown terrorism Immigration, refugees China policies and politics The Other Americas (Canada, Central, South America) December add Second Amendment Rights The Washington Beltway European Union Islamic Extremists January add Economy Race Relations Immigration Economy Middle East Asia

Minutes for Fall 2015 Coaching Meeting

Sept. 11, 2015 8:30 Breakfast 8:55 Welcome and introductions Matt Leland (Lincoln Academy), Jason Curry (Greely), Kris Deveau (Brunswick), Michelle Adams (York), Pat Spilecki (Lewiston), Rod Robilliard (Erskine Academy), Dick Mullen (Cape Elizabeth), Dan Haskell (Cheverus), D’Arcy Robinson (Poland), Tim Wheeler (Skowhegan), Maura Smith (Skowhegan) Call for Vote for parliamentarian: Jason Curry nominated and elected…
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Congratulations, You’re Going to Ft. Lauderdale!

The following students are qualifiers and alternates for the 2015 National Catholic Forensic League in Fort Lauderdale, Florida over Memorial Day weekend. Qualifiers were determined at the NCFL National Qualifying Tournament at Poland Regional High School on February 14 and MFA State Tournament at Lewiston High School on February 7 (Student Congress only). There were…
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Call for Nominations: Scholarship Awards

Another message from the secretary of the MFA, D’arcy Robinson: The MFA is soliciting nominations for student scholarship awards. There will be a scholarship in each of the three divisions: Speech, Debate, and Congressional Debate. We hope to announce the winners at the State Tournament. Coaches can nominate any worthy student. Write a short explanation…
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Call for Nominations: Coach and Judge of the Year

A message from the secretary of the MFA, D’arcy Robinson: It is that time of year again; we need to vote on a Coach of the Year and Judge of the Year. Coach of the Year For each candidate you choose to nominate, please write a short descriptor as to why the person deserves the…
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2014-2015 Extemp Topics

Domestic Foreign September, October, and November Midterm elections Congress Race relations in the U.S. Islamic extremism Russian relations Israel vs. Hamas December add U.S. policies The economy South America Asia International Health January add Immigration Energy Ecology Europe/Soviet relations Africa