+1 (207) 370-4MFA

Agenda: Fall Coaches Meeting

Debate and Speech

Virtual meeting link and password will be emailed to coaches’ list serve and individuals upon request. To make a request contact Lyndsy Denk.

4:00-8:00 p.m. September 11, 2020

Pre-submitted reports

For the sake of focusing on key topics below, we’ve moved officer and moderator reports to a document linked above for you to read at your convenience.

Virtual meeting

Host starts recording

This meeting will be recorded to help the secretary and other officers validate attendance and voting. The video will not be made public. For documentation of this meeting, refer to the meeting minutes that the secretary will post to the web site in a timely fashion.

Welcome and introductions (4:00-4:15)

Vote on Parliamentarian for the meeting

Instructions for attendance: Since self-introductions could be nutty, each participant should submit through chat their name, school, whether they are the voting member from that school, what they coach, and any positions they hold. 

Instructions for asking questions: Out of kindness to others, keep yourself muted until you’re ready to speak. The parliamentarian will be moderating the chat for questions. Send a chat message to the President, officer, or moderator giving the report and wait to be recognized. You’re also welcome to unmute and ask questions directly.

Instructions for voting: In the event of a call to vote, the person making the motion should enter the proposal in the chat. Participants should enter a “yes,” “no,” or “abstain” in the chat. Non-votes will be considered abstention.


Approval of Spring Meeting minutes

Approval of Treasurer’s report

Virtual tournament season (4:15-6:15

The Technology Committee and Executive Board are proposing a fully virtual competition season 2020-2021. Representatives will share the platform plan (including a backup), expected expenses, training plans and needs, and recommendations otherwise.

  • Platform: NSDA with a backup (Jitsi)
  • MFA board and moderators host tournaments
  • Tournament fees: $7 per entry ($14 for a two-person event), but $5 for MFA members ($10 for a two-person event)
  • Allow in-round internet research access for Debate and Congress competitors.
  • Not offer Duo Interpretation.

Other topics related to virtual tournaments:

  • Equity exchange
  • Code of ethics
  • Security

2020-2021 Calendar (6:15-7:00 p.m.)

Start the season with some mini-tournaments to serve as practice to develop familiarity with the platform. Also, we propose we start later and slow down the season to space it out for longer and perhaps let NSDA get the bugs worked out on other people instead of us. 

New business (7:00-8:00 p.m.)

MFA equity statement (J. Denk (Falmouth), R. Hughes-King (at large), D. Robinson (Poland))

Judging in the virtual environment

Coaching in the virtual environment

Code of Online Conduct

Separate meetings to be scheduled by respective director/chair

  • Portland CFL report (Director D’Arcy Robinson)
  • Maine NSDA report (District Chair Joe Pelletier)