+1 (207) 370-4MFA

Invitation: Debate @ Deering HS

Debate and Speech

The Deering High School Debate Team is pleased to invite you to a Debate Tournament (Lincoln-Douglas, Public Forum, and Congressional Debate) on January 9, 2016.


Complete registration at www.tabroom.com.

Deadline: Wednesday, January 6 at 8 p.m.

Any questions, please contact Brian Dodge (tournament director) by email, text, or phone:

Please note judge conflicts, restrictions, experience, and phonetic pronunciation in Tabroom and email and complicated situations to Brian.


Drops will be accepted until Friday January 8 at 8:00 p.m. Invoices will be prepared at that time.

No late adds will be accepted.

Saturday drops at registration will be assessed an additional charge of $10.00 per student. If you have a drop on Saturday morning, please call or text Brian or the MFA hotline at 207-370-4MFA while en route to the tournament. Drops made ahead of time will help keep the tournament on schedule and you will avoid the additional $10 fee.

Registration Fees

Entry fees are $7.00 per entry for Individual events (new schools $3.50). Teams (PF) are two entries ($14).

Entry fees will be capped at $140 per event, $210 per school entering in both Debate and Congress.


  • LD: 3 levels, if numbers allow
  • PF: 2 levels, if numbers allow
  • CD: Senate/House as needed

In Debate, Novice categories are for students in their first year of High School Forensics. JV LD is for second year debaters and first year debaters who have enjoyed success. Varsity categories are for debaters with more than a year of experience or for students who wish to move up and try a high level of competition. Coaches retain discretion in placement due to unique circumstances. Please feel free to to contact the tournament director for help in placement of students if needed.

Debate Topics

LD January/February resolution:

Resolved: In the United States, private ownership of handguns ought to be banned.

PF January resolution:

Resolved: On balance, economic sanctions are reducing the threat Russia poses to Western interests.

Congress Docket

DRAFTDocket_Deering2016. Check back for the final.

Judge Requirements

  • Lincoln-Douglas: one judge for every two entries
  • Public Forum: one judge for every two teams
  • Congressional Debate: one judge for every 5 entries.

Fractional entries round-up (i.e., three LD entries = 2 judges). The third, fifth, and seventh judge must be neutral for LD and PF.

Judges are expected to be available for ALL rounds of competition. Half day judging is encouraged, but you must provide two half judges to equal one judge (one each, am and pm)

Judge Hires

Fees for purchasing judges will be $60 per judge. PLEASE have all judges finalized by 8:00 p.m. Friday, January 8. There will be a limited number of extra judges available and you must make your request by Wednesday by requesting a Hired Judge in Tabroom. Please help the meet run smoothly and fairly by supplying your required judges and by providing them with training in the category to which they are committed.


The MFA no longer provides timers to judge. Judges should bring some sort of timer/stopwatch.


Breakfast items, lunch, and snacks will be on sale for students in the cafeteria. Students should not leave the school. Complimentary breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snacks will be provided for coaches and judges.


Sweeps for Debate (inclusive of PF, LD, and congress) will go to the first three places. Individual awards for 1st – 3rd in each category.


8:00-8:30 Registration
8:45 Judges meeting in Judges’ Lounge & Student meeting in Cafeteria
Rounds will begin at 9:00
Awards at 4:00 (sooner if possible)

Student Lounge: Cafeteria. Students are asked to remain in the cafeteria when not in rounds.

Judges Lounge: Library. You will be directed up the stairs from the registration table by the front door.

TAB Room: Room 217

Awards: Will be held in the auditorium.


Directions: Deering High School 370 Stevens Ave Portland, ME 04103