+1 (207) 370-4MFA

Invitation: All Events @ Falmouth High School

Debate and Speech

The Falmouth High School Debate Team is pleased to invite you to an All Events Tournament (Speech, LD and PF Debate, and Congressional Debate) on November 8, 2014.

Registration deadline: Wednesday, November 5, 2014 9:00 p.m. via Tabroom.com

Any questions, please contact Sean Lent or Karen Wolf, Tournament Directors, by email, text or phone:

Sean Lent
[email protected] (c) 207-450-3301

Karen Wolf
[email protected] (c) 831-5848


Registration must be made at Tabroom.com by 9:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 5, 2014.


Drops will be accepted until Friday, November 7 at 6:00 p.m. Invoices will be prepared at that time. No late adds will be accepted.

Saturday drops will be assessed an additional charge of $10.00 per entry. If you have a drop on Saturday morning, please call or text Sean or Karen while en route to the tournament. It will help keep the tournament on schedule.

Please note judge conflicts, restrictions and experience in Tabroom and email any complicated situations to us.


Entry fees are

  • $7.00 per entry for Individual Events (new schools $3.50)
  • Teams (Duo and PF) are two entries ($14)
  • Ensemble is $21

Entry fees will be capped at $140 per event and $210 per school entering in multiple events.


Check-in on day of tournament will be at Falmouth High School, 74 Woodville Road, Falmouth, Maine. Speech events will take place at the adjacent Falmouth Elementary School. Debate and Congressional Debate events will take place at the high school.

  • LD: Three levels, if numbers allow
  • PF: Two levels, if numbers allow
  • Congress: Senate and House, as needed
  • Speech: All categories

Debate Topics

LD September/October resolution:

Resolved: A just society ought to presume consent for organ procurement from the deceased.

PF November topic:

Resolved: On balance, the benefits of genetically modified foods outweigh the harms.


Docket will be distributed one week prior to the tournament.

Judge Requirements

  • LD: one judge for every 2 LD entries
  • PF: one judge for every 2 teams
  • Speech: one judge for every 5 entries
  • Congress: one judge for every 5 entries; 2nd and 4th must be neutral

Fractional entries round up (i.e., three LD entries = 2 judges). The third, fifth and seventh judge must be neutral for Speech, LD, and/or PF.

Judges are expected to be available for all rounds of competition.

Remember a parent cannot judge the division in which their child is competing.

Purchasing Judges

Fees for hiring judges will be $60 per judge. Please have all judges finalized by 6:00 p.m. Friday, November 7. There will be a limited number of extra judges available and you must clear your request by Wednesday, November 5, by requesting a Hired Judge in TabRoom.

Please help the tournament run smoothly and fairly by supplying your required judges and by providing them with training in the category they are committed to.


Please have judges bring a timer/stopwatch. There will be a limited number of timers available from MFA for those who need them.


Breakfast items, lunch, and snacks will be on sale for students in the cafeterias at reasonable prices.  Students should not leave the school.

Complimentary breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snacks will be provided for coaches, judges, school administrators, volunteers, and bus drivers.


Sweeps will be awarded for each (Speech, Debate, and Congress) first through third. Individual awards will go to first through third in each category.

Tabulation of awards follows standards adopted by MFA.


8:00-8:30 Registration and Judge check-in (high school)
8:45 Judge briefings in Judges’ Lounges (high school and elementary school)
8:45 Student meeting in Cafeteria (each school)
9:00 a.m. Rounds begin
5:00 p.m. Award (high school auditorium)

Student Lounge: Cafeteria (respective school). Students are asked to remain in the cafeteria when not in rounds.
Judges Lounge: Ground floor (high school), second Floor (elementary school). Look for signs to Judges’ Lounge.
TAB Room: Library (respective schools)


Falmouth High School, 74 Woodville Road, Falmouth, Maine 04105

From I-295 North or South: take Bucknam Road-Falmouth exit 10. Turn right off exit. Go 0.2 miles to light (variety store on right). Go straight at light (sign will say Falmouth West). Look for blue signs with arrows for Falmouth Middle/High School. Go 1.3 miles and bear right onto Falmouth Road. Look again for blue signs. Go 1 mile to Woodville Road (look again for blue signs). Take right onto Woodville Road. The school is 0.3 mile on the left.

From Maine Turnpike 95 North and South: Take Exit 53 (Portland North). Go through toll booth and turn left onto Gray Road (Rt. 26). Go 0.2 miles to light (look for blue sign with arrows). Turn right onto Leighton Road. At the end of Leighton (0.5 mile), turn right onto Falmouth Road. Travel 0.9 mile and turn left onto Woodville Road (look again for blue signs). The school is 0.3 mile on the left.

We look forward to welcoming you to the Falmouth High School All Events Tournament!

Sean Lent & Karen Wolf, Coaches